Ref. G558

Cooking Coffee, Albert Adrià

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Bilingual Edition: Spanish/English
96 pages
ISBN: 978-84-7212-155-3
10.00 25.00
About the book
Italy is the country that has brought out the best in coffee – inventing processing methods that enhance the quest for perfect balance between the different sensory qualities and the different varieties, origins and ways of preparing coffee – turning it into an essential part of the country’s culture. Since the company’s very beginnings, Lavazza has been distinguished by its passion for coffee. This tradition has reached its 120th year, starting back in 1895 with a first shop in Turin, and becoming the company it is today, whose true mission is to bring enjoyment from coffee. This has culminated in the idea of a collaboration with Montagud Editores for the production of a book containing twenty-three recipes designed using Lavazza coffee as an ingredient: twenty-one created by Albert Adrià.

Albert Adrià talks about the book
A series of aspects typically accompany chefs throughout their professional lives: effort, creativity, passion... and challenges. Challenges, in all areas of life, are what drive individuals to explore their own limits and the frontiers of the impossible. If I had to add an adjective to this book, it would be ‘challenging’. Not only does it deal with such an intrinsic and familiar ingredient in anyone’s everyday life, but it is given the starring role – not as a mere condiment – in the recipes we have created for it. The foreword of the book Caffè in Cucina, which my brother Ferran wrote 13 years ago, ended with the desire and expectation of continuing to seek out new opportunities for coffee in gastronomy, together with Lavazza. It makes me proud to think that through this book, my team and I have contributed to a project that began to take shape at elBulli more than 13 years ago...
10.00 25.00