Ref. R047D

Apicius 21 (eBook)

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Apicius (eBook)
Tipo tapa
  • 224 pages
  • Worldwide Distribution
  • eBook
LANGUAGE: Bilingual edition (English, Spanish)
Apicius offers contents based in the creations of prestigious chefs and the latest techniques in the gastronomic industry. Culture and design. Apicius is the fascicle that gives proof of the novelties, curiosities and great dishes. Apicius pretends to show more than the mere didactic and formal aspects in which professionals rely on, but also those pleasurable elements that round off the rich and wide field of gastronomy. Every aspect is treated with the utmost technical and qualitative rigorousness, availed by the publishing team of Apicius, extending our experience in this field since 2003.

Albert Adrià. Alex Atala. Andoni Luis Aduriz. Ángel León. Begoña Rodrigo. Björn Frantzén. Rodrigo de la Calle. Pascal Barbot. Enrique Olvera. Grant Achatz. Jordi Roca. Massimo Bottura. Rene Redzepi. Quique Dacosta. Yosihiro Narisawa. Michel Bras. Virgilio Martínez. Martín Berasategui. Heston Blumenthal. Gastón Acurio. Eneko Atxa. Carlo Cracco. Curro Noriega y Mario Ríos. Kiko Moya. Equipo de Sala de El Celler de Can Roca.