Juanjo López, La Tasquita de Enfrente

Juan José López Bedmar grew up between stoves. His father, Serafín López - nicknamed Gaona for his resemblance to the Mexican bullfighter with that surname - ran a food house. He opened it in the sixties of the 20th century, and called it La Tasquita de Enfrente because it was in front of La Gran Tasca, a place of great fame at the time. Despite this, he did not choose to dedicate himself to cooking. At least, initially ... He worked until the age of 40 in the insurance sector, becoming CEO of a major company. Meanwhile, he gave free rein to one of his great hobbies: traveling and sitting at the table of all that establishment with authenticity. From the best restaurants in the world to the bars of a lifetime, where he says enjoy like a child. When his father passed away, he decided to reinvent himself and put himself in charge of the establishment. Always with his legacy, he set out to turn La Tasquita de Enfrente into that restaurant to be proud of today.

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